link Campus Tours

Young woman with glasses and straight brown hair hands a brochure to a student over the desk at the Welcome Center.

College Tours 

If you want to see our beautiful campus, sign up for an official tour of the campus offered by the Welcome Center. 

Full of palm trees, we're close to Levi's Stadium, Great America, and an abundance of excellent restaurants.

Each tour lasts approximately 30-45 minutes (some may be longer as desired) and is guided by a friendly Mission College Student Ambassador.

Did You Already Take a Tour?

Mission College Tour Survey

Individual College Tours
  • Every Wednesday from 2pm-3pm. The tour will start at 2pm.
  • Walk in tours (No appointment needed).
  • The tours will start at the Welcome Center.
  • You can park in the free 40 minute sections near the Welcome Center. 
  • One of our Student Ambassadors will conduct the college tour.

Schedule Group Tours

We are proud of our new lovely Student Engagement Center.  We would love for you to visit.  Sign up for a group tour with the Welcome Center's Tour Request Form or email us at [email protected]