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Frequently Asked Questions - EOPS


How long do I have to wait before I find out if I’ve been accepted into EOPS?)

You should also receive specific details about the next steps in the submission message and confirmation email that is sent to you after you submit your online application. We usually notify students of acceptance roughly 1 month prior to the start of each semester.

What should I do if I don’t have my transcripts from the previous colleges I attended?

Unfortunately, state regulations require that we must review transcripts from all colleges you have previously attended. They do NOT need to be official transcripts. If you do not have them at the time you apply for EOPS, simply select that option on the application and email them or drop them off at our office later on. We will follow up with you, as your application will be considered incomplete until we have the transcripts.

How long can I be in the EOPS program?

Provided that you are in good standing, you can remain in the EOPS program until you reach your educational goal or 70 degree applicable units. You might also be eligible for a waiver to stay in the program one additional semester if you are in a high-unit major such as Nursing or Engineering.

When will I get my grant disbursement?

The 1st EOPS grant will be disbursed at the end of first contact, roughly 5 weeks into the semester. The 2nd EOPS grant is disbursed at the end of the semester. The disbursement can take a week or so to be processed. You will receive your EOPS grant in whichever form you receive your financial aid.

How many gas cards do I get each semester?

Each student is eligible to receive 2 gas cards per semester as funding permits. One gas card is given out for each completed mandatory contact session.

How do I schedule a counseling appointment?

You can schedule a counseling appointment by calling, emailing, or visiting the EOPS office.

How can I find out my counselor's walk-in hours?

Check Canvas! Or you can call or stop by our office.

How many times do I need to see my counselor each semester?

It is a program requirement that you complete 3 contacts with your counselor. Dependent on your standing in the program, this can be a mixture of group sessions, appointments, and walk-ins.

Do I have to take 12 units every semester to be in EOPS?

You are only required to be enrolled in 12 units for your first semester in EOPS. After that, the minimum requirement drops to 9 units. DSPS and Foster Youth students need to be in at least 9 units for their first semester in EOPS. For every additional semester, these students must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 units.  

Do classes that I take at West Valley count toward the unit minimum?

Yes. Since West Valley is the sister college of Mission, units you take here count towards the mandatory units you need for EOPS.

How often will I get a survival kit?

New EOPS students get a complete survival kit during their first semester in the program. Continuing students will receive a refill survival kit at the beginning of every fall semester.  

What counts as a "No Show"?

If you cannot attend your counseling appointment, you need to let the EOPS office know at least 24 hours before. Notifying us that you are unable to attend on the same day will count as a “No Show”. You will also receive a “No Show” if you are more than 10 minutes late to your appointment.

Can I use my book voucher to get books at West Valley?

Yes. You can take your book voucher to the West Valley bookstore with your student ID and buy required books for classes taken at West Valley. If you have any problems, make sure to ask for the bookstore manager and they will be able to assist you.

Can I purchase my books before I get my book voucher?
We recommend that you wait until you have your book voucher to purchase your books. If you must buy your books earlier, make sure that you keep your receipt. Once you have your book voucher, make sure that you return your books and buy them again with your voucher as soon as possible. The bookstore will only accept returns for a limited time.
Can I extend my laptop or calculator loan for the winter or summer session?
Yes. If you are taking at least 1 class during the winter intersession or summer term, you can extend your laptop or calculator loan. You must complete an electronic extension form and provide a copy of your class schedule for the term in question.
How can I get a copy of my educational plan?
If you misplace the copy of your educational plan that your EOPS counselor provides you, the EOPS office can email or print it out for you at any time. Simply email, call, or visit us with your request.