link What is EOPS?


Group of EOPS students are commencement in their casual clothes. They stand in front of an EOPS wall banner.

EOPS History

Deeply rooted in the Civil Rights Movement, Extended Opportunity Programs and Services was signed into law on September 4, 1969 with Senate Bill 164. As the bill stated, “The intent and purpose was to implement programs that would support students affected by language, social, and economic" disadvantages.

In addition, the program aims to support students in reaching their educational goals, from obtaining job skills to earning certificates and degrees, and transferring to four-year institutions. In essence, EOPS was the original student success and equity program. Since that time, EOPS has become a cornerstone for 114 of California’s Community Colleges.

Mission EOPS

Mission’s EOPS program began in 1979, with Counselor Don Cordero serving as the first EOPS director. The program has consistently served a minimum of 300 students per semester since fall of 1992, when electronic data tracking began.

Student Assessment Outcomes

  1. Program participants will complete at least 3 contacts with their EOPS counselor each semester.
  2. EOPS will retain continuing program participants each semester.
  3. EOPS will increase the number of DI (disproportionately impacted) students served each academic year.

Student Learning Outcomes

Navigating College
Entering the community college space can be an intimidating undertaking for students. This can be especially evident for folks EOPS serves. Attending post-secondary education, whether as a first-time student or returning life-long learner, students are expected to flawlessly traverse various explicit and implicit systems and structures found on college campuses. Mission EOPS believes in encouraging our students to utilize campus resources, explore their academic ambitions, and advocate for themselves and/or others while they pursue their educational goals.
Personal Growth
As co-creators of knowledge with Academic Affairs, we strive to prepare our students to meet tomorrow’s opportunity by engaging with them through a student development perspective.  Mission EOPS believe personal growth and mindfulness are essential to student success.  Awareness of cultural strengths, gaining and acquiring practical knowledge, and incorporating new knowledge into daily life are all principles EOPS strives to achieve.
Academic Success
In serving a population of students who experience educational disadvantages, EOPS believes developing student success strategies are essential to their persistence. As a result, we believe time management, study skills, and goal setting are fundamental building blocks of student success that should be cultivated. Through workshops, services, and academic advising and counseling, we seek to work with our students to bolster these skills, which will support their persistence through Mission College and beyond.