link Biological Sciences Eco-pond

The Eco Pond is a small, above-ground pond located between the Science Building and Gillmor Center. It is a self-sustaining system that is the work of students in the Biological Sciences Department.

It was designed to recreate on campus, a natural wetland ecosystem. This was accomplished by bringing plants, microorganisms, soil, and water sourced from a natural freshwater pond located in the Santa Cruz mountains. A solar-powered pump circulates the water and powers the fountain.

The Eco Pond is populated with a web of life, including Cattail, Horsetail, Mint, and Yellow Flag Iris as well as many aquatic macroinvertebrates, such as amphipods, ostracods, hydra and dragonfly larvae.

It offers year-round access to water for our campus's bird population. The pond’s plant and animal life serve as a valuable living resource for the Biology department’s lab courses.

For more information contact Jean Replicon at (408)855-5267 or [email protected]