link Allies - Undocumented Students

Dreamer Liaison 

Lucia Moreno: [email protected] 

Undocumented Student Task Force

Nohemy Chavez - Counseling
Mary Ann Medrano  - Transfer Center
Lucia Moreno - Financial Aid, scholarships & Outreach
Omar Murillo - Interim Vice President - Student Services
Julie Vu  - Welcome Center
Ken Songco - Equity/Success

Mission College Undocu-Allies

Mission College provides training for campus staff, faculty, and administrators on how to be an ally for undocumented students. After participants have completed this training, they will opt-in to be listed here as campus ally contacts.

  • Eleen Badal Abdishou - Financial Aid
  • Amelia Akers-Martin - ESL/ Non-Credit Faculty
  • Tina Boghozian – Library
  • Carla Beltran Breidenbach - Foreign Languages Faculty
  • Anthony Bridges- Admissions & Records
  • Elvita Bustamante - A&R
  • See Chan- Biological Sciences Faculty
  • Thanh Do- Student Equity & Success
  • Ashley Faris- Faculty/Chemistry
  • Valerie Feichter- ESL Faculty
  • Mario Flores - H.S.I
  • Raymond Gerardo- Assessment Center
  • Tara Hardinge - Sociology
  • Michele Hittleman - Counseling
  • Connor Keese - Outreach
  • Jennifer Keh - West Valley Counseling
  • Veronica Mendoza Hand - Counseling Faculty
  • Alicia Martinez- Counseling
  • Virginia Marquez - West Valley EOPS
  • Barbara McMahon - Instructional Technician
  • Alison McGann- Office of Research
  • Bob Miller- Counseling Faculty Emeritus
  • Mary Ann Medrano - Transfer
  • Zita Melton- Administration for Student Services
  • Lusyna Kim Narvaez - AANAPISI/H.S.I
  • Ngoclien Nguyen- Financial Aid
  • David Piper - Counseling/Psychology/Humanities Faculty
  • Marie Rancap- Financial Aid
  • Edrina Rashidi- MESA Director
  • Kena Rogers - Liberal Arts
  • Julaine Rosner - ESL Faculty
  • Monica Sain- Adult Education
  • Manuel Salazar- TRiO Director
  • Marcelo Sanchez-Heredia- Counseling 
  • Sarah Sullivan- Faculty/English
  • Aram Shepherd- English Faculty
  • Andrew Solis - Career Center
  • Ken Songco - Equity/Success
  • Michele Speck - Library
  • Asmare Tadese- Admissions & Records
  • Raiida Thompson - AANAPISI Program Analyst
  • Vianey Topete - TRiO Coordinator
  • Theresa Tran - EOPS
  • Thuy Trang - Counseling
  • Marianna Troy- DSPS
  • Nitha Vasquez- Admissions & Records
  • Neil Viernes - Chemistry
  • Jhonaliza Villanueva- Admissions & Records
  • Julie Vu-Welcome Center
  • Camilla Weiberg - Child Development Faculty (Retired)
  • Lisa Willett- Admissions & Records
  • Thais Winsome- Biological Sciences
  • Elaine Wong  - Library Faculty
  • Nanette Wylde  - Child Development Faculty (Retired)
  • Miguel Zaragoza- Counseling Faculty/ TRIO
  • Alejandro Zavala- EOPS
  • Saul Zendejas - Athletics
  • Aaron Tolbert- Dean, Language Arts
  • Raiida Thompson - HSI STEM Grant
  • Mario Flores- HSI STEM Grant
  • Lusyna Narvaez - HSI STEM Grant
  • Catrina Jamello - Counselor, CalWORKS and VALOR Center
  • Danielle Ramirez-King- Office of Admin Services
  • Kelly Neary - Biological Sciences
  • Julia Dea-Wong - Counseling & TRiO Support Services STEM
  • Yolanda Coleman - Counseling & Articulation
  • Bob Schaffer- Engineering
  • Kendall Harrison- Career Education
  • Nicholas Barron- Anthropology
  • Javier Huerta- English & Puente Project
  • Jorge Murillo - HSI STEM Grant
  • Liz Bogatin-Starr- Academic Senate
  • Richard Alfaro - Dean, Student Services & Instruction
  • Jacqueline Escajeda- Dean, Career & Technical Education
  • Gladys Simpson- DSPS
  • Sabrina Morales - Welcome Center Student Ambassador