link Undocumented Student FAQs

Undocumented Student FAQs

1. I have been classified as a non-resident. What does this mean? What do I do?

When a student applies to be a student at a California Community College, residency for tuition purposes is determined based on legal status and how long a student has been residing in the state. You may be eligible for a tuition waiver if you meet AB 540/2000/68 criteria. To check if you meet that criteria, please view the Affidavit form.

You can also email [email protected] for assistance.

2. Am I eligible for financial aid as an undocumented student?

In the state of California, an undocumented student who is eligible for and completes an affidavit form for AB 540/2000/68 can apply for all state financial aid by either completing the CA Dream Act application online by the March 2nd deadline for the upcoming academic year or by completing the California College Promise Grant application.

3. What is an Affidavit?

An affidavit is a legal document. In California, when a student signs and completes the Affidavit for California Non-Resident Tuition exemption, they are requesting that the out of state tuition fees are waived and that the student is only charged in-state tuition fees because they declare they meet the criteria.

4. If I have a social security number through DACA, do I fill out the FAFSA?

No, if you have a social security number through DACA, you do not fill out FAFSA in the state of CA. You can complete the CA Dream Act application by March 2nd for the upcoming academic year.

5. When is the deadline to apply for financial aid for dreamers?

March 2nd for the CA Dream Act application for the upcoming academic year. Check with your college for the deadline to apply for a fee waiver.6. What are the AB 540 criteria? Assembly Bill 540 states that an eligible student can request exemption of out of state tuition fees and be charged in-state tuition fees if they meet the following criteria:

  • Currently holds a non-immigrant visa or a T or U visa or does not have a nonimmigrant visa
  • Attended a California high school for three or more years and graduated from a CA high school or has GED equivalent

The AB 2000 criteria extend eligibility to:

  • Someone who completed 3 or more years in K-12 (Combination of) in California and graduated or received GED equivalent

The SB 68 criteria extend eligibility to:

  • Someone who attended a combination of California high school, adult school and community college for the equivalent of three years or more and graduated from a CA high school or received a GED equivalent or completed an associate degree from a California Community College or completed the minimum requirements at a California Community College for transfer to a CSU or UC.

7. What is the difference between DACA and the CA Dream Act?

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is a federal program through Department of Homeland Security which gave eligible applicants a two-year renewable work permit to lawfully work in the United States and protection from deportation. As of 2017, it is currently under review under the Trump administration. However, in the state of California, DACA has nothing to do with financial aid or attending college.

The CA Dream Act is a financial aid application similar to the FAFSA for students in California who meet AB 540/AB 2000/ SB 68 criteria. This allows eligible students to apply for state financial aid only (not federal) such as Cal Grant. DACA has nothing to do with state financial aid.

8. I do not have DACA, what are my option to work in California?

SB 1159 allows for anyone in California with a Tax Identification Number from the IRS (ITIN) to apply for licensure for professional licenses in California.