link California Dream Act - About

California Dream Act

The California Dream Act of 2011 was enacted with the passage of AB130 and AB131. These laws allow AB540/AB2000/SB68 eligible students to apply for and receive several types of financial aid, including:

Who is Eligible for AB540?

  • Attended three or more years of attendance in California Elementary or Secondary school or combination there of;
  • Attended three or more years at a California high school;
  • Attendedthree or more at a California Adult School with a
    minimum of 420 hours of attendance per school year;
  • A combination of these schools with a total of 3 or more years of attendance;
  • Graduated from a California high school or;
  • Received a GED or passed the California High School Proficiency Exam;
  • Are registered or enrolled at a California community college and;
  • If required, complete an affidavit saying you have filed (or will file when you are eligible to do so) for legal immigration status;

Financial Aid for Undocumented Students 

Cal Grant Information

California Dream Act FAQs

Additional Resources

Mission College Dreamers Resource page

For information on how to support undocumented students in their pursuit of college, career and citizenship, please visit Educators for Fair Consideration (E4FC) at

If you have already submitted a CA Dream Act Application and have questions, please contact:
California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) at: [email protected] or 888-224-7268