link Extended Opportunity Program & Services (EOPS)

Mission EOPS

Extended Opportunity Program & Services is designed to help underserved, at-promise students achieve their academic and personal goals.

Eligible students receive personal and academic counseling. In addition, students benefit from the following resources.

EOPS Benefits


  • $400 book voucher
  • $450 in additional grants
  • Meal & gas card
  • School supplies
  • Free parking permit
  • Early registration
  • Transfer, financial aid, and scholarship assistance..

Do You Qualify for EOPS?

How Do I Qualify?
  • Be a resident of California or a CA DREAMER/DACA/AB540 student
  • Be enrolled full-time (12+ units) during your first semester in EOPS (DSPS/Foster Youth reduced unit accommodation: 9 units)
  • Qualify for a California College Promise Grant 
    • Method A, B or C with a Zero EFC (Expected Family Contribution)
  • Qualify as educationally disadvantaged. This mean that one of the following must apply:
    • You did not graduate from high school or did not obtain an equivalent (must verify).
    • You graduated from high school with a grade average less than 2.50 on a 4.0 scale (must verify).
    • You do not qualify for college level math or English as required for an Associate Degree at Mission.
    • You are a first generation college student. Your parent(s) did not receive a bachelor's degree in or out of this country.
    • You are an emancipated foster youth and/or you were in foster care, kinship care guardianship and/or ward of the court upon your 18th birthday (you must be between the ages of 18-22.)
Extended Opportunity Programs & Services
  • A program that empowers students to overcome, persevere, and succeed with the support of staff and assigned counselors to guide you toward your academic and career goals.
  • A place to build a diverse community with like-minded students while enjoying services such as FREE printing, school supplies, laptop/calculator loan programs, and a positive, stress-free study area.
  • A helping hand that eases a student's financial burden by providing book vouchers, grants, transportation assistance, and much more!