link Educational Technology Services - ETS
 Welcome to Educational Technology Services (ETS) Department at Mission College.

We focus primarily on:

  • Installing, maintaining, and supporting
  • All teaching and media delivery technology
  • In college classrooms, labs, conference rooms, signage displays, student support services facilities, studios, and event venues.

ETS is also the licensing administrator for all instructional software on campus. All requests for usage of software must be coordinated with ETS for consistency in deployment and integration, and legal compliance. ETS consultation will provide recommendations based on best practices, optimal selection, and alignment with the Mission Technology Master Plan.

Our five-member staff supports and services over 1600 instructional computers on campus, as well as audiovisual equipment in the College’s 160 classrooms and labs. We also administer over 150 instructional servers campus-wide.

We play a key role in helping our faculty, staff, and students benefit from constantly evolving educational technology so that instruction, communication, and information is delivered accurately, quickly, and successfully.

Our Staff Members

  • Joel Bennett, Director
  • Robert Guest, Instructional Computing Support
  • Ryan Kapowich, Audio-Visual Engineer
  • Dat Nguyen, Systems Planning & Budget
  • Patrick Ly, Server Administrator