link Technology Development

Keeping up with New Technological Developments

One of our important functions involves researching education/student-related technological developments and includes planning, purchasing, installing, and deploying new technology at our campus. We work on new technology for future buildings, refreshing existing technology, upgrading various pieces of equipment as they become old and/or obsolete, and working with departments to standardize and help them realize their technology requests.

All instructional technology requests of hardware, equipment, software, upgrades, operational improvements, and suggestions for additions to classrooms must begin in the Technology Request process associated with Program Review. When the college proceeds with projects without involving ETS for a thorough consultation, inefficiencies, conflicts, missed deadlines (critical for grant funding), and overlooked better alternatives are often experienced.

We strongly urge all Departments to consult with us early in the process of a technology initiative, regardless of funding sources. We can provide guidance and coordination with other initiatives already underway, and we can help you avoid conflicts in the context of project management capacity on campus and compatibility with existing facilities systems. Refer to the GAP and Technology Committee-approved Technology Request Process for a better understanding of the work flow here: Technology Request Process

We require a minimum two-week lead-time for any instructor station and/or student lab's computer software install/upgrade. We request even longer lead times for new software titles, due to additional compliance requirements approval. The lead-time for Hardware depends on the complexity of the project, and can run anywhere from 1-6 months.