link Personal Enrichment

Community Ed Classes

On Campus Personal Enrichment Classes
Mission College offers a wide variety of Personal Enrichment Classes ranging from Studio Arts to Music to Sports.

View and register for upcoming classes

Online Personal Enrichment Classes
Mission College offers a wide range of Online Courses. Subjects include topics related to Career and Professional Development, Computer and Technology, Writing and Publishing as well as Personal Development.

Registration for Ed2Go Partnered ONLINE classes 

PARKING: Daily parking permits are $3.00 per day. Daily parking permit dispensers (yellow boxes) are located in Parking Lots B, C, and D. All dispensers will accept one dollar bills, dimes, nickels and quarters. Once purchased, daily permits may be used in any student parking stall on campus. Daily permits must be displayed on the driver's side of the front dashboard and the expiration date must be visible from the outside of the vehicle.

REFUND POLICY: Please be advised there will be no refunds for missing your scheduled class. If students need to cancel or reschedule their class, they must do so no later than 48 hours prior to the class date. No refund will be issued for failure to cancel in advance.