link Frequently Asked Questions - Community Ed

Frequently Asked Questions - Community Education

1. Do I get college credit units by taking a community college course?

No, there is no credit available through community college courses, but there are some classes where a certificate would be granted upon their completion.

2. How can I register for the community education courses?

Register online:

For registration for other individual programs such as Pharmacy Technician, Motorcycle Training and Career Training, please click on the program links located on the upper left of this page for specific instructions.

3. When do I pay for my classes?

Upon registration.

4. Where do I park?

Daily parking permits are $3.00 per day. Daily parking permit dispensers (yellow boxes) are located in Parking Lots B, C, and D. All dispensers will accept one dollar bills, dimes, nickels and quarters. Once purchased, daily permits may be used in any student parking stall on campus. Daily permits must be displayed on the driver's side of the front dashboard and the expiration date must be visible from the outside of the vehicle.

5. What about refunds?

Please be advised no refunds will be issued for missing your schedule class.  No refunds will be issued for failing to cancel 48 hours prior to the start date of the class.

6. What about rescheduling for class?

For court mandated and applicable classes, if student needs to reschedule their class, they must do so no later than 48 hours prior to the class date.

7.  I want to teach a class for Community Ed. How do I submit a proposal?

Please complete this Course Proposal Form and submit to us via email at [email protected], by fax or by mail.