link Political Science at Mission.

The American flag waves in front of a civic building.

MC Icon on Blue Gradient

Political Science

Study government and political systems.

Political Science Courses

Earn a Political Science Degree

Examine the structure of government and political systems, as well as the interaction of individuals and institutions within those systems. Political Science courses offer valuable insight into these events on the local, state, national, and international levels.

Students are pictured from behind at commencement in their decorated black cap and gowns.
Political Science Degree

  • Earn an Associate in Arts in Political Science for Transfer degree.
  • Guarantee admission to a Cal State school at junior standing.
  • PDF of Political Science degree.

Poli Sci Degree
Class Schedule
Political Science Courses

Poli Sci Courses
Courses to Consider
See all Courses.
Mount Rushmore. American politics.
American Government (POL 001)

An introduction to the structure and functions of the governments at the Federal and California levels.

Map of the world with a magnifying glass on top of it.
International Relations (POL 004)

Look at the how and why of world politics, surveying history, theory, players, processes, and structures in International Relations.

Political theories - lady liberty statue in bronze holds scales of justice.
Intro to Political Theory (POL 003)

Get familiar with the central debates in political theory, from the classical to the modern. Examine the key points of liberty, justice, authority, citizenship, & revolution.

A young man and a young woman walk on a college campus. She is petite and African-American with long braids. He is tall and Latinx.
Politics of Race, Class, & Gender (POL 006)

Survey the political history, goals, strategies, perspectives, barriers, and successes of women, the poor, and selected minorities.

A young man is being filmed. He has a long-sleeved blue shirt and a name tag.
International Films (POL 007)

Films for Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas are screened and analyzed to explore topics that include nationalism, sovereignty, war and peace, ethnic conflict, economics, and immigration.

A white male student and a Latinx male student hold a sign that reads "I value Black lives" with colorful handprints decorating it.
Controversial Legal Issues (POL 020)

Topics such as drug decriminalization, offensive speech, affirmative action, discrimination against gender and sexual orientation, school prayer, the right to die, and pornography are explored.

Male student with black plastic glasses, dark hair, and brown skin.

Honors Program

Honors courses offer enriched educational experiences through challenging coursework, stimulating colloquia, and the opportunity to study with other students interested in the highest level of learning. Honors Program.

Career Outlook
Skills Needed
  • Ability to communicate
  • Media skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Argue and debate points
  • Leadership
  • Active listening
  • Ability to plan and develop strategies
  • Using history and data in decision making
  • Teamwork
  • Ability to build consensus
  • Thinking outside the box
  • Understanding data
Career Paths
If you don't know what to major in, or you already have a major but don't know how it translates into a career, start here. At Mission we can help you research your major and career options so you can make informed decisions. Read more about Career paths.
Select Jobs in the Field
  • Politician or Political Campaign Staff
  • Lawyer
  • Activist
  • Policy Analyst
  • Legislative Analyst
  • Public Relations
  • Social Media Manager
  • Political Consultant
  • Marketing Research