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Evelyn Garcia - "Naked Bodies"

painting of artistic glasses and the first mission college literary journal

Naked Bodies

by Evelyn Garcia

Bodies. They have hair. Sometimes, they’re bare. 

Your luscious skin, covered or not. 

Its beauty encrusted with your thoughts. 

Negative. Negative. Negative 

Your thoughts wrapped around your head. 

Your thoughts. Aligned. Tied within your eyes. 

Only the worst is visible to your soul. 

You can’t stop staring. 

Whether bare or full of hair. 

The stretch marks of humanity. 

Perfectly unsymmetrical features, hugging your body. 

You’re an angel. 

An angel. 


About the Author

Evelyn Garcia is a sophomore English major at Mission College, and on the path to becoming an English teacher. Evelyn says, "Ironically, I'm not much of a creative writer, but sometimes I get random bursts of inspiration. I've never shared any of my personal work, but here I am... seeking a little bit of discomfort."