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Carson Sandell - "Forgotten Friend"

painting of artistic glasses and the first mission college literary journal

Forgotten Friend

by Carson Sandell

You lean on a sycamore  
Sap drooling on your spokes  
Resting in ruthless rain  
And the wind, a phantom,  
Almost seems to pedal  
But you’re bound to the bark  
Unable to escape elements  
Stripping your skin of shine  
Someday you will be loved  
More than Nature’s need to demolish  
Someday you will understand  
You must rust to be restored   

Sadistic Season

by Carson Sandell

Streets slick from rain  
Reflect red traffic lights  
Oh, how the frosted moon  
Prays for a frozen sun  
So not one orb reigns supreme 
And in equaling out an empire  
It exudes a euphoric essence  
I yearn year round for  
When winter takes the throne  
I’m reminded of the wind  
And how I stand, sturdy,  
While breezes beg to butcher me  
Yet it is in this sadistic season  
That I feel the most alive  

About the Author

Carson Sandell is a twenty-year-old gay and demisexual poet from San Jose, CA. He is currently taking English and general education classes at Mission. Beyond the page, he performs spoken word poetry at local open mics, which is where he got his start as a poet.

Aside from writing, he is enrolled at Mission College, Santa Clara, but plans on transferring to UC Riverside in hopes of receiving an MFA in Creative Writing.

Carson puts his all into his craft and hopes his hard work and dedication will inspire his students once he starts teaching. Apart from school, he is also an article writer for The Walled City Journal. And his publication credits include three poems in Final Cut Magazine, along with an upcoming publication in Drunk Monkey Magazine.