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Aparna Variyam - Artwork and Writing

painting of artistic glasses and the first mission college literary journal

The 9 Stones Turned

by Aparna Variyam

A golden morning. 
I opened my eyes 
To the warmth on me. 
I saw her pale skin 
Wet with streaks of pain. 
And there the bubble in my throat  
To defeat my mother’s pain. 

I searched for love 
Pleading for One I hardly knew, 
Scared and numbed I drove 
To find the stoned faces of brethren. 

A look at his frown; 
And a glance at her dimple, 
I had walked by those hands 
That I knew would never disown mine. 

Their eyes gleamed 
And the faces beamed 
I laughed like an idiot. 
Ah! The magic of serotonin. 

I hid my tears 
For they would breed. 
I painted my lips; 
And planted a smile. 
I opened my heart 
To keep there a hearth, 
That burnt my pains 
And pleasures alike.   

A black wool spread. 
So rough and strong, 
Yet failed to touch 
His growing cold within. 
In his weary eyes 
And those deep blue veins 
Were routes to where I belong.  

I shed all green 
And prayed for Sheen, 
And for miracles that could come by 
As those cracks oozed red. 
Was it Faith I saw crossing 
That bottomless River of Lethe? 
I wondered  
As she touched my arm, 
And To look at a face so tender and calm. 

I frowned at her Psalms 
A Book in Blue  
With her lovely hue 
I opened it once 
And to keep it safe 
For it was the Gesture of God 
That one could ever see for sure. 

My tears went dry. 
Life strewn with withered leaves awry. 
Where were those Birches 
That Frost found years ago? 
But to vanish from this earth; 
And from this sickening world of birth and death; 
In one mighty sweep on its branches, 
To get away from this thinning life of drab. 

To those hands that grab me, 
Lift me and steady me, 
Your assuring smile 
I could hardly tread. 
Eyes so dark 
I could never read. 
You bring me closer 
To where I belong 
With gestures pure, 
And verses strong. 

 Calling myself the priestess of Love 
With a yearning heart like mourning dove 
"Are you God?" I asked, 
On that Divine Glory, I forever basked.  


by Aparna Variyam

painting of 3 women in a boat

painting of Jesus

About the Author

Aparna Variyam is a student of English at Mission College with a passion for creative writing, art, and music. She has completed her post graduation in English Language and Literature from Mahatma Gandhi University (Kerala), India.

She enjoys learning Indian Classical music and loves to experiment with different mediums of art. She has worked as a healthcare content writer and social media marketer for several years. Aparna lives with her husband, Girish, and their daughter, Parnika.