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Career Readiness Week 

February 22-25, 2022

Attend online and in-person workshops and drop-in help about resumes, personal finance, job searching, interviewing and more. See events.

Whether choosing a first career or preparing for a mid-life career change, use our resources to assist you in making important decisions.

Attend online and in-person workshops and drop-in help about resumes, personal finance, job searching, interviewing and more.

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  • SAO 1: Students that meet with a Career and Transfer Center staff member to explore careers will receive an occupational outlook data report.
  • SAO 2: Students that meet with a Career and Transfer Center staff member to explore transfer campuses will receive transfer information packets.

By using the Career Center services I will learn:

  • To articulate my career and academic goals in relation to my personal values and interests.
  • To identify ways in which my skills and personality traits impact how I relate to others in my academic, work, and personal settings.
  • To utilize the job search components on EUREKA and Job Advisor.