AppraisalsPer Article 108 of the WVMFT, AFT 6554 contract, associate faculty are evaluated regularly through the performance appraisal process. Appraisals only occur during the Fall and Spring semesters. Associatefaculty are evaluated every other semester, beginning with the first semester during which they have an assignment. Exceptions to this include faculty that earn a “Needs to Improve” on their appraisal from the previous semester, who will then be evaluated during the term immediately following the NTI, and faculty on reduced appraisals due to Re-Employment Preference (see below).
Associatefaculty are evaluated by full-time tenured faculty from the same discipline, unless the department does not have a faculty member that fits those criteria, in which case the Department Chair will select an appropriate appraisal team chair. Division Deans or other appointed administrators may also serve on appraisal teams.
The performance appraisal process involves the following steps: (1) a pre-appraisal conference must occur during weeks 1-5; (2) at least one classroom observation by each team member must occur before week 13; (3) student surveys for each assignment must be administered between weeks 6-13; (4) a post-appraisal conference must occur prior to finals week. Faculty are provided a copy of all forms by the appraisal team chair once the process is complete. Student surveys will be given to the appraisee after the term is over and grades are submitted.
Faculty may grieve the performance appraisal process, but not the outcome. Associate faculty should familiarize themselves with the process and their rights by reviewing the contract.
Re-Employment Preference (REP)
Re-Employment Preference (REP)Per Article 100 of the WVMFT, AFT 6554 contract, Re-Employment Preference (REP) is granted to associate faculty who meet certain criteria, listed below. There are two levels of REP: REP 1 and REP 2.
REP 1 is granted after three (3) consecutive satisfactory evaluations and teaching assignments during six (6) semesters. REP 1 is granted automatically once the above criteria are met. REP 2 is granted after two (2) satisfactory evaluations and four (4) semesters with REP 1 status.
REP 1 status provides associate faculty preference for teaching assignments and a minimum load of 0.400. REP 2 status provides faculty continued preference for teaching assignments and a minimum load of 0.600. Note that courses are not split between faculty to bring total load to 0.400 or 0.600. For example, if an associate faculty member with REP2 has 0.533 load assigned, the department chair will not be required to split the load on an additional section to bring the total to 0.600. Faculty with REP 2 are evaluated once every six semesters, with student surveys being administered in between.
Load Limits
Load LimitsAssociatefaculty can be assigned up to 0.670 load during the Fall, Spring and Summer terms, and up to 0.400 load during the Winter term. The only exception to the limitation is HOD instructors teaching clinical courses.
For more information about load, please review the contract.