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District Information

A seven-member Board of Trustees elected at large to four-year terms and two non-voting student members (one from each campus) govern the West Valley-Mission Community College District (WVMCCD).  As stated in the 1995 Mission College Accreditation Report, The Board of Trustees “is responsible for the quality and integrity of the institution...selects a chief executive officer, approves the purposes of the institution, and responsibly manages available fiscal resources.

It establishes broad institutional policies and delegates to the chief executive officer the responsibility to administer these policies.”  The District is administered by the Chancellor, Brad Davis, who reports directly to the Board of Trustees.  Daniel Peck, President of Mission College, and Charles Bullock, Interim President of West Valley College, report to the Chancellor.

District Structure

District Structure


  • Chancellor, Brad Davis
  • President of Mission College, Daniel Peck
  • President of West Valley, Stephanie Kashima
  • Associate Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration:  Ngoc Chim
  • Associate Vice Chancellor of Human Resources, Eric Ramones
  • Associate Vice Chancellor of Information and Educational Technology:  Dan Borges
  • Associate Vice Chancellor of Facilities, development and Operations:  Javier Castruita
  • Associate Vice Chancellor of Governmental Relations and Public Communications:  Manny Cappello
  • Police Chief, Chris Rolen

Board of Trustees

  • Susan Fish
  • Adrienne Grey
  • Anne Kepner
  • Randi Kinman
  • Jack Lucas
  • Robert Owens
  • Karl Watanabe
District Support

District Support

The College receives the following support services from District offices:

  1. Business Services
  2. Budget preparation, monitoring, and analysis
  3. Accounting
  4. Purchasing
  5. Payroll
  6. Computer Services
  7. Facilities/Planning and Operations
  8. Grants and Development
  9. Human Resources
  10. Labor Relations
  11. Police/Parking Safety
  12. Economic Development Institute
  13. Staff Development
  14. Community Services
  15. Public Relations
  16. Advancement/Foundations
Bargaining Groups

Bargaining Groups

The West Valley-Mission Federation of Teachers (WVMFT, AFT 6554) represents certificated faculty.  The West Valley Mission Classified Employees Association (WVMCEA) represents basic unit non-supervisory classified employees.  The Professional and Vocational Division, Teamsters Union, Local 856, represents supervisory employees.  The Peace Officers' Association represents the public safety officers.  These organizations are recognized by the Board of Trustees as the sole and exclusive representative of personnel within these areas.