link Procedures - Prior to Term


Contracts are issued to all adjunct faculty and full-time faculty with an overload or an assignment during the Winter and/or Summer terms. Your division’s Administrative Specialist will process the contract; the Division Dean will approve the contract.  There are currently two processes for faculty to approve contracts. 

For adjunct faculty teaching during any term, and full-time faculty teaching during Winter and/or Summer, faculty will approve their contracts through Banner, under Faculty Load and Compensation (FLAC).  There is a short window of time during which faculty can acknowledge their contract; failure to do so may result in a delay in pay.  You will receive communication from HR prior to the window.  For instructions on how to acknowledge your assignment, download the How to Acknowledge Faculty Contracts guide. 

Full time faculty teaching an overload during the Fall or Spring terms will receive a paper contract from HR.  You will be asked to sign the contract and return it to HR in a timely manner.  It is strongly recommended that you retain a copy of the contract for your personal files. 

Per the WVMFT, AFT 6554 contract, full time faculty with an overload or who teach during Winter and Summer have three (3) options of what to do with their load:  (1) they can be paid for their overload from the Adjunct Faculty Salary Schedule; (2) they can bank the overload in their regular overload bank; and (3) they can bank the overload in their pre-retirement bank.  For more information about these options, please review the contract. 

Faculty do not receive contract revisions.  Therefore, when there is a change in contract load it is the responsibility of the faculty member to ensure that they are being paid the correct amount or, for full time faculty only, that the correct amount has been banked. 

Course Outlines

Course Outlines

The Education Code requires each department to have current course outlines on file in the Office of Instruction.  If you do not have a copy of the current course outline, you may obtain one from your Administrative Specialist or Department Chair.  The course outline is a content guide for the instructor that enables the institution to maintain standardization and articulation agreements.    Course content is established by the course outline, and all faculty must teach according to the established outline.



All employees of Mission College are issued a college email address.  For full-time faculty, the email address will be [email protected].  For adjunct faculty, the email address will be [email protected]

Flex Day

Flex Day

Flex Day occurs on the Friday immediately prior to the beginning of the Fall and Spring terms.  This all college event includes information about the state of the college, a key note address, a variety of workshops, and Division and Department meetings.  Notification of the Flex Day schedule will be emailed to all college faculty well in advance of Flex Day so faculty can plan accordingly.  For record keeping purposes, faculty are required to sign a roster for all workshops and/or meetings attended.  Additionally, after Flex Day, faculty must submit a completed and signed Flex Day Contract to their Department Chair, who will then forward the paperwork on to the Division Dean.  It is recommended that you make a photocopy of the forms before submitting them. 

Full Time Faculty Obligations

All full-time faculty are required to attend Flex Day during the Fall and Spring semesters.  Faculty are required to attend for 6.0 hours each term unless they participate in other activities with prior approval from the Division Dean. 

Adjunct Faculty Obligations

There shall be no obligation for Associate Faculty to attend Flex Day activities.  Up to three (3) hours of paid flex day activities per semester are available for Associate Faculty who choose to attend flex day activities.  Payment for flex day activities is available for those who choose to attend at a rate of $50.00/hour, but not to exceed $150.00/semester. 

ID Badges and Keys

ID Badges and Keys

Keys and ID badges/keycards are managed by the District Facilities Maintenance Office located in the District Offices at the West Valley College campus.  All key requests and card clearances must be generated from the department Administrative Specialist or Division Dean. All requests must be submitted online using the Facilities/I.S. Work Order System.  Key users must receive their keys in person at the Facilities Office located at Mission College. Valid identification must be presented at the time the keys are issued. 

Administrators, faculty and staff are not required to pay for initial authorized key(s) but will be required to pay a fee for replacement of keys that have been lost or stolen.  Employees who have lost their key(s) should immediately report the details of the loss to the Campus Police Department located respectively at each college. A new key request containing the police case number must be generated by the Administrative Specialist or Division Dean, and just like with the initial key, the request will be submitted through the online Work Order System.

District employees are not allowed to duplicate District keys for any reason. 

All keys must be returned to the Facilities Office at Mission College Facilities Office upon termination or departure of the employee.  Keys must also be returned if the employee changes job assignment or work location. 

For more information, download the District Key Policies and Procedures

How to use the electronic key cards can be found here.

Instructional Supplies

Instructional Supplies

Instructional supplies such as whiteboard markers, pens, letterhead, etc.  are purchased by the division for use by division faculty.  Contact your division Administrative Specialist to check on supply availability and/or to see about ordering supplies. 

Parking Permits

Parking Permits


All employees of the West Valley Mission Community College District are issued STAFF parking permits at no cost.  You can submit an application for your parking permits to Parking Services; see the instructions below.  Parking permits issued to full time faculty never expire.  Parking permits issued to adjunct faculty expire at the end of the calendar year (December 31st); therefore, adjunct faculty must submit an application for a permit every year that they have an assignment with the college.  The parking permit may only be used on the vehicle specified on the Parking Permit Application.  Faculty are issued up to two parking permits. 

Primary Parking Permit

Your primary parking permit is a static cling permit, which must be displayed in your primary vehicle in the bottom left (driver’s) corner of your windshield, facing out. 

Second Parking Permit

You may request a second parking permit for a secondary vehicle.  Your second parking permit is an adhesive permit.  Permits will be issued only to a secondary vehicle registered by the DMV at the same address as the primary vehicle. 

Obtaining a Parking Permit:

Step 1:  Complete the Parking Permit Application.  This is a fillable PDF that you need to print. 

Step 2:  Login to SSB (Self Service Banner) and print a copy of your Notice of Assignment.  If you are unsure  how to print your Notice of Assignment, download this Guide.

Step 3:  Submit your completed application and copy of your Notice of Assignment to District Police Services.  You can submit via any of the following methods:

Email: [email protected] (your Notice of Assignment can be a screen shot from SSB if you are using this mode of submission)

In Person: at the Police business office at either campus

Mail: Parking Services, 3000 Mission College Blvd, Mail Stop #8, Santa Clara, CA  95054

For more information, visit the Staff and Faculty Parking webpage.

Reciprocal Parking

Reciprocal parking is a privilege enjoyed by all faculty and staff at WVMCCD.  Vehicles displaying a valid WVMCCD parking permit may reciprocally park at both West Valley and Mission College.

Employee Responsibility

Finding authorized space:   Drivers are responsible for finding an authorized parking space. Lack of available space or other factors do not justify parking violations.  Employees who park in unauthorized spaces (such as loading zones, special permit, or fire lanes) will be cited.  Employees who forget their parking permit need to obtain a temporary parking permit for the day from the District Police Business Office located in the Campus Center - lower level - across from Parking Lots A and B. Notes and business cards are not honored.

Guest Speakers

Visitor passes are available for guest speakers and any individual visiting the campus on official business.   To obtain a guest parking permit, simply email parking services at (mail to:  [email protected]) with the following information:

Name of event

Date(s) of event

Duration of event

Preferred parking location/lot

Number of cars

Campus/Department/Contact information

Appealing a Citation

Citations must be appealed in writing within 21 calendar days of issuance.  To submit an appeal  via the mail, complete the Parking Citation Initial Review Request form and mail it to the Office of Parking Violations (the address is on the form).  To submit an appeal online, you can fill out a form at the following address:  For more information about appeals, visit the Citations and Appeals webpage. 

Lost or Stolen Permits

If your permit is lost, please contact the District Police Business Office immediately. Permits stolen must be reported.

Vehicle Disposal

In the event a vehicle is sold or disposed of, a substantial portion (50% or more) of the decal must be returned to the District Police Business Office before a replacement decal will be issued.

Changes in Employment Status

When terminating employment, employees must return their permits to the District Police Business Office.

Change of Address

When an employee home address changes, he/she is responsible for contacting the District Police Business Office with this information.  It is important that this information be kept current.



The department is responsible for the evaluation and selection of course materials. All course materials must comply with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Required Textbooks

Textbook selections support the content of each course as reflected in its official course outline. Textbooks include printed books, open source materials, e-books, and duplicated materials. Where possible, the same textbook(s) should be used for each class section offered at the college.  Textbook selection should be based on consideration of the following criteria:

  • College grade level readability.
  • Student learning outcomes (supports the attainment of student learning outcomes).
  • Bias-Free (job designation; sex-role stereotyping; age discrimination; racial, ethnic, and/or religious bias; all other discriminatory characteristics).
  • Accuracy (factual, up-to-date; sufficiently detailed to minimize misinterpretation).
  • Appropriateness and versatility (appropriate to learners with varying levels of maturity; suitable for a variety of learning environments; language and/or visuals are easy to understand, challenging, but not beyond ability of learner; important and relevant to subject matter area).
  • Verbal and visual effectiveness (attractively designed; logical development of ideas; stimulating; develops critical thought and creativity).
  • Cost (available at a cost commensurate with value and probable use, based on comparable texts).

Zero Textbook Cost

Faculty are encouraged to use Open Educational Resources (OERs) to identify any appropriate textbooks or materials that can be used at no cost to the student.  Course sections with Zero Textbook Costs will be marked with a special icon in the course schedule. 

Supplemental Textbooks

When appropriate, a list of supplemental textbooks may be provided by instructors.  Instructors shall coordinate the procurement of specific supplemental textbooks with the Bookstore. When supplemental textbooks are used, the course syllabus shall indicate that supplemental textbooks are not required to be purchased by students, and that their use will not have any bearing on the determination of a final grade in the course.

Ordering Textbooks

Faculty are responsible for submitting orders for textbooks and other instructional materials to the Mission College Bookstore.  Departments may choose to designate one person in the department to order all department textbooks, or alternatively to assign each course with a coordinator who is responsible for ordering the textbooks for all sections of that course.  Textbook orders can be placed in one of two ways: 


  1. Via the online ordering system Faculty Enlight
  2. By emailing the order to [email protected] with the following information:  course ID, course section number(s), projected enrollment, and textbook name, author, publisher and ISBN

Summer and Fall textbook orders are due in the Bookstore approximately six (6) weeks before the end of the Spring semester. Winter and Spring textbook orders are due to the Bookstore approximately six (6) weeks before the end of the Fall semester.  An order must be submitted for each scheduled section.  Department chairs or designee should email the Bookstore with a list of any section that does not require the students to purchase a textbook. 

Ordering Instructional Materials

Faculty who need to have simple (stapled, 3-hole punched, plastic wrapped) instructional materials available for students to purchase in the Bookstore should:

  1. Contact the Bookstore Manager for planning purposes (408-855-5080 or [email protected])
  2. Provide a camera-ready master;
  3. Be prepared to sign a form acknowledging copyright responsibility;
  4. Remember to process a Text Requisition that shows the Bookstore as the publisher; and
  5. Allow at least six (6) weeks for publication.

Selling instructional materials and books in the classroom is prohibited.

Desk Copies

Desk copies should be ordered directly from the publisher by the Faculty. Alternatively, Contact your publisher’s book rep for more information. 

Copyrighted Materials

District employees shall follow all applicable copyright laws affecting the use of textbooks and other classroom materials.