link Procedures - During Term
Absence Reporting

Absence Reporting 

Faculty are expected to meet their classes and hold office hours as scheduled, and administer final examinations at the designated time during the final examination period.  In the event that you must be absent, in accordance with the current WVMFT, AFT 6554 contract, the absence must be reported.  Reporting procedure are as follows: 

Step one:  Report your absence through the Online Reporting Tool.  For information on how to use this tool, download the Absence Reporting Guide.  If you are unable to use the online tool (e.g. you have no access to the internet), please call your Administrative Specialist, or the Evening Administrator (408-590-2657) to report your absence. 

Step two:  Notify your students through Canvas.

Step three:  Upon your return, fill out a Faculty Absence Form and leave it in your Division Dean’s mailbox.  If a substitute was used, his/her name should be included on the form. 

Faculty are strongly encouraged to also inform their Department Chair of their absence.  For faculty teaching instructional labs (e.g. science labs), please inform the Instructional Laboratory Technician to avoid unnecessary lab setup and wasting of lab materials.

Canvas Learning Management System

Canvas Learning Management System 

Canvas is a district-wide learning management system (LMS) available to all courses (including face-to-face, hybrid and online courses) for both full and part-time faculty. This system is integrated with our registration system, which means that the instructor on record for the course automatically receives a “course shell” and students are automatically enrolled into the course shell as they enroll into a course.  Per senate policy, Canvas is the district supported system for distance learning courses. Regular and substantive interaction with students must be conducted via the District’s learning management system (Canvas).  For more information, download the DE Manual

Canvas provides a place to communicate with your students, post important documents and announcements, host discussion forums or chat sessions, hold virtual office hours, record attendance, maintain your gradebook, and administer online assignments, quizzes and exams.   Canvas also tracks students’ use in the system and conveniently allows faculty to see which students may require additional assistance based on teacher selected criteria such as completed homework or test results etc. Students can check their grades, conveniently communicate with their instructor and classmates, and review or preview course material if their instructor chooses to use Canvas to post documents. 

Canvas has great resources for faculty unfamiliar with this LMS.  For assistance with Canvas, search the Canvas Guides.  For technical support, contact John Spencer (mailto:  [email protected]).  You can also contact Canvas’s 24/7 hotline at 833-816-6629. 

Class Hour

Class Hour 

Under the sixteen-week schedule, classes vary in length from 65 minutes to 200 minutes. Hours must be strictly followed with one, two or three breaks, depending on the length of the class (see information below).  No breaks are included in classes held for 95 minutes or less.  

It is important that the course meets for the required number of student contact hours.  Excessive faculty absences or cancelled classes will affect the college’s ability to claim apportionment for a course.  Work with your Department Chair to find a substitute to cover your course to avoid multiple cancellations. 

Class Breaks 

Class Breaks (anchor here) 

Classes at Mission College are based on a 16-week schedule. Classes held for 65, 70, 75, 85, 90 and 95 minutes have no breaks; the breaks are already programmed into the stopping times of these classes. For classes longer than 95 minutes, the breaks are to be integrated into the class offering times, not saved until the end. The following class meeting intervals have the identified breaks: 

Class Meeting Minutes:                      Breaks:

100 - 149 minutes                   one 10-minute break

150 - 199 minutes                   two 10-minute breaks

200 -249 minutes                    three 10-minute breaks

250 - 299 minutes                   four 10-minute breaks

300 - 349 minutes                   five 10-minute breaks

350 - 399 minutes                   six 10-minute breaks

Duplicating Services

Duplicating Services (anchor here) 

Quick Copying 

When your copying needs are limited to 1 to 10 copies you may use the copy machines located in all division areas.  You will need to login into the copy machine with either your magnetic key card or by typing in your Banner ID.  The operating instructions are posted on each copy machine. 

Duplicating Services 

For all other copying needs, a duplication order must be placed with Duplicating Services.  Duplicating Services provides copies in black ink printed on 8-1/2" x 11" white paper.  If specific color bond paper is required, it must be supplied by the requestor; minimal use is recommended for ecological purposes.  

Mission College’s preferred method for duplication orders is digital submission via the PrintSnap Digital Storefront.  For information on how to use Print Snap, please download the Print Snap Training Guide.  Please allow at least one (1) to two (2) business days for completion of normal duplication orders (e.g. exams) and at least five (5) business days for completion of large orders (e.g. handbooks).  Completed work will be shelved in the Duplicating Center located in GC 112 until picked up. To expedite your order, please send an email to [email protected].  

Information About Copyright Laws 

Duplicating Services reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order involves violation of copyright laws.  Such orders will be returned to the faculty member with an explanation of why the job was not completed.  

Handbook lines have been established by the U.S. Congress on permissible photocopying of copyrighted works.  Observance of these handbook lines is important for both the faculty and the College.  Because of potential liability, Duplicating Services has instructions to return all reproduction requests that appear to be in conflict with the congressional handbook lines. Questions regarding copyright handbook lines should be directed to a Dean or the Vice President of Instruction.  According to the standards of educational fair use under section 107 of H.R. 223: 

  • An instructor may:
    • Make a single copy for use in scholarly research, in teaching, or in preparation for teaching a class, of the following:
    • A chapter from a book.
    • An article from a periodical or newspaper.
    • A short story, short essay or short poem, whether or not from a collect work.
    • A chart, diagram, drawing, cartoon or picture from a book, periodical or newspaper.
    • Make multiple copies for classroom use only, not to exceed one per student in a class, of the following, provided that each copy contains a notice of copyright [This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17 U.S. Code).]:
    • A complete poem, if it is less than 250 words and printed on not more than two pages.
    • An excerpt from a longer poem, if it is less than 250 words.
    • A complete article, story, or essay, if it is less than 2,500 words.
    • An excerpt from a prose work, if it is less than 1,000 words or 10 per cent of the work, whichever is less.
    • One chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon, or picture per book or periodical. 
  • An instructor may not:
    • Make multiple copies of a work for classroom use if it has been copied for another class in the same institution.
    • Make multiple copies of a short poem, article, story, or essay from the same author more than once in a class term or make multiple copies from the same collective work or periodical issue more than three times in a term.
    • Make multiple copies of works more than nine times in the same class term.
    • Make a copy of works to take the place of an anthology.
    • Make a copy of "consumable" materials such as workbooks 
  • As per the Handbook lines for the proviso of subsection 108 (9)(2), the Library, for interlibrary loan purposes, can do the following provided that each copy bears a notice of copyright:
    • Make up to six copies a year of a periodical published within the last five years.
    • Make up to six copies a year of small excerpts from longer works.
    • Make copies of unpublished works for purposes of preservation and security.
    • Make copies of published works for purposes of replacement of damaged copies. Make copies of out-of-print works that cannot be obtained at a fair price
Early Alert

Early Alert

During week five (5) of full-term (16 week) courses you will have an opportunity to flag students for support services by participating in Early Alert.  You will be assessing your students based on attendance, assignments and exams. Counselors and other Student Services professionals will contact flagged students and follow up with them.  Participation in Early Alert is critical for the following reasons: 

  • This is a proactive approach to informing students of their current status in class based on your early assessment.
  • After receiving the Early Progress Assessment, students are encouraged to meet with you, and seek tutoring and counseling.
  • National research indicates that Early Progress Assessment on students’ attendance, assignments, and exams is key to early intervention and is an excellent strategy to improve student success.
  • With this Early Progress Assessment, students be able to seek campus resources, services, and support programs while there is still time in the semester to bring their grades up.  
Field Trips

Field Trips

All field trips must be scheduled and approved in advance (no later than 5 working days prior to the field trip) by your Division Dean and the Vice President of Instruction.    Faculty must submit a completed Voluntary Field Trip/Excursion Authorization form to the Division Dean.  On this form, you will list the trip, the date/time and the purpose.  Faculty will attach a copy of the most current list of enrolled students (from Banner) to the authorization form.  

Each enrolled student must turn a Voluntary Field Trip Excursion Notice into the faculty.  The student simply fills in the name, address and phone number of an emergency contact.  Once all forms are collected, the faculty will submit them to the Division Dean.  

Field trip attendance is not mandatory for students, especially if the field trip requires a time longer than the regularly scheduled class.  Field trips must be related to the course objectives. An alternative student assignment should be given in lieu of the field trip for students who do not participate in field trips. Please be sure you have a Class II driver's license if you take a van with a capacity exceeding nine passengers. 

If you take a District vehicle, the District's insurance will be primary for District related travel.  If a personal vehicle is used, the individual's insurance will be primary and District insurance secondary.  The College does not encourage faculty to use their own vehicles to transport students on field trips.  If students provide their own transportation and meet at the field trip site, District responsibility for the event starts at the site.  The student's insurance would be responsible for the travel time. 

Incident Reporting

Incident Reporting (anchor here) 

It is the faculty member’s responsibility to ensure that all students enjoy a supportive, respectful learning environment. Further by enrolling in Mission College, students have agreed to the Code of Conduct found in the College Catalog, including policies pertaining to behavior. Examples include willful disobedience, theft or damage to college property, threat of force or violence, or offensive conduct or language, etc.  Please refer to the code of student conduct (link to page) for further information.  Faculty have the right to excuse students for up to two (2) instructional days for any behavior that is in violation of the code of conduct.  The Vice President of Student Services (VPSS) is responsible for excusing students beyond two days.  

When a student is charged with plagiarism or cheating related to a class, and the instructor has reasonable proof or documentation or the student admits the violation, the instructor may select one or more of the following options: 

  1. Issue an oral or written warning the student that further acts of this sort will result in additional disciplinary action.
  2. Issue a failing grade (“F”) or “0” for the assignment in question.
  3. Refer the student to the CSSO for disciplinary action. 

An instructor cannot automatically give a student an “F” grade for the final course grade where the student is only known to have cheated or plagiarized on one of several assignments that count toward the final grade.  

Faculty can report any violations to the code of conduct or any instances of academic dishonesty by filling out a Student Incident Report.

Mailboxes and Mail Procedures


All full time and adjunct faculty are provided with a mailbox.  Faculty mailboxes are located in your Division Office.  Your mailbox is an important method for communicating with other faculty and staff.  Many important documents are routinely placed in your mailbox.  Please make it a habit of checking your mailbox before each class meeting.  

Mail Procedures

Inter-Office Mail

Inter-Office mail envelopes are available in all division areas, as well as the adjunct faculty areas in GC 114 and SEC XXX.  Print the name, mail stop or department and campus on the Inter-Office envelope.   

U.S. Mail

All outgoing U.S. mail must be clearly addressed and must include the zip code. The sender's name and department must appear above the College address. 

Special MailFor special mail services including bulk mail, registered mail, mail to be wrapped or packaged, see your division Administrative Specialist. 

Foreign Mail

Please paper clip a large identification note to the front of all outgoing mail destined for foreign countries to identify it as foreign mail.

Substitute Requests

Substitute Requests (anchor here) 

Faculty who are absent should request a substitute for their class so that the required contact hours are still met.  There is funding available to pay substitute instructors.  To request a substitute, faculty must contact their Department Chair.  Upon return from the absence the faculty member must submit a Faculty Absence Form and the substitute must submit a Certificated Hourly Instructor and Community Education Timesheet to the Department Chair so that the substitute can get compensated for their time.