link Faculty Handbook - Student Services

Student Services

Admissions, Student Support, Tutoring

Student Services provides a wide variety of services and support programs to students to assist them in successfully completing their educational goals.

Learn More Below

Academic Support Center/Tutoring Center

The Mission College Academic Support Center (ASC) provides free tutoring for Mission College students.  The ASC also assists students with academic strategies and study skills related to their college courses.

Students may use computer software, audiovisual aids, and web-based resources to help them build skills and learn how to improve their success with course-related materials. 

Courses offered through the program include credit and non-credit academic skills labs, tutor training, and college study skills. Students can meet with tutors after completing a brief referral and enrollment process.

Drop-in, group, and individual tutoring are provided. Tutoring is provided for most subjects. The ASC is located in room SEC-154.   

Admissions and Records Office

The Admissions and Records office, located in SEC 118, provides numerous student services in three main areas: Admissions, Cashiering, and Student Records. 


  • Provides admissions information
  • Residency determination
  • Course registration (in-person, telephone and web)
  • Facilitates enrollment for veterans
  • Processes CSU cross-enrollment petitions
  • Verifies enrollment 


  • Collects, refunds and reconciles fees
  • Sells parking permits
  • Distributes paychecks 

Student Records 

  • Provides Mission College transcripts
  • Evaluates transcripts from other colleges
  • Processes degree/certificate applications
  • Processes petitions
  • Processes grade change forms
Associated Student Government 

Student government is represented by the Associated Student Government (ASG).   It provides students with practical leadership training and education in government and leadership functions.   The ASG elects the student trustee to sit on the District Board of Trustees. Student activities include both educational and social events sponsored by the ASG and the many diverse student clubs.


CalWORKs is the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids program serving low-income students parenting at least one child under the age of 18.

CalWORKs at Mission College works in collaboration with Santa Clara County Department of Social Services.

CalWORKs provides educational support and community resources to help students earn a certificate, degree or transfer and to eventually be placed in and retain family supporting employment.  Students currently served are those who meet CalWORKs or TANF criteria.  

Support Services available to students: 

  • Book vouchers
  • Educational counseling
  • Priority registration
  • On-campus and community resource referrals
  • Program assistance with county case workers
  • CalWORKs on-campus work study employment 

Students interested in further information are encouraged to call the CalWORKs office at (408) 855-5228 or stop by SEC 144 (Room 150).  

Counseling Services 

The Counseling Department has professional counselors who provide academic, career and crisis counseling services within both individual and group counseling settings.

Counseling Faculty instruct a number of counseling courses including, Study Skills, Strategies for Success, Careers & Lifestyles, University Transfer Planning, Valuing Diversity, and Orientation to Mission College.

Counselors assist students in completing their educational plan, preparing transfer agreements, selecting classes, choosing a major or career, and solving problems. Counselors are available by appointment or on a drop-in basis. The Counseling Office is located in SEC 139. 

Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS)

The Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) office, located in CC-240, offers support services to students with disabilities such as vision, hearing impairments, orthopedic problems, health impairments, speech and/or communication disabilities, and learning disabilities. 

Examples of services include note-takers, readers, sign language interpreters, real-time captioners, liaison with community members and faculty, priority registration and test-taking arrangements.  The program also provides special classes in adaptive physical education, assistive technology and intervention strategies and LD Assessment.  For further information, please contact: 

DSPS office: (408) 855-5085
TTY: (408) 727-9243
FAX: (408) 855-5449 

What can faculty do in their classes to support potential DSPS students?

  1. In your course syllabus, include a statement inviting the student to discuss their academic needs:

    If you have special needs, please let me know as soon as possible so that I may assist you to be successful in this class.  Students with either permanent or temporary disabilities are highly encouraged to register with Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS), located in the Campus Center Bldg, 2nd floor, CC240, (408) 855 5085 or [email protected].

  2. Provide clear and written expectations of grading, material to be covered and due dates.
  3. Please never discuss a student’s disability in front of others.
  4. If you have an accommodation form with a Notetaker needed for a student, please speak with the student after class. DSPS can help with an appropriate announcement in the class.
  5. Know about services available on campus for students with disabilities.
  6. If you have a disruption in your class, caused by a student with a disability, and preventing others from learning, please report the incident using the Incident Report Form supplied by the Office of the VPSS.
  7. Make lectures and notes easy to understand and make assignments clear.
  8. When writing on the whiteboard, turn toward the class. Students with hearing impairments will be able to see the words you speak.
  9. Allow preferred seating for students with disabilities.
  10. If you are going to show educational videos during the semester, make sure they are closed-captioned. If you need assistance, please contact the Program Specialist at ext.5086 or (408) 855-5086.
  11. Make sure all assignment and test documents are in compliance with ADA and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Please ask for training if unsure.
  12. Do not remove signs reserving chairs or other furniture for students with disabilities.
  13. Do not remove this furniture from the classroom. It is imperative that the furniture stay in its original placement during the semester.
  14. If a student requests an accommodation without an accommodation form from DSPS, refer the student to the DSPS office. If a student advises you they are in need of an accommodation due to a disability but does not want to use DSPS,
  15. please contact the District ADA Compliance Officer, Paul Williams, so possible arrangements can be discussed.
  16. Be flexible with the content and format of assignments and exams (e.g., oral exam, Braille, audio taped, closed captioned).
  17. Be supportive, but not overly solicitous.
  18. Do not accept work of a lower quality from students with disabilities. All students must earn their grade.
  19. If a student has not approached you for an accommodation, call DSPS for advice on whether or how to approach the student.
  20. Support student interests in taking your course. If you foresee problems, discuss the issues, but let the student make up his/her own mind.
Extended Opportunity Program and Services (EOPS) (CARE) 

The Extended Opportunity Program and Services (EOPS) office, located in SEC 148, offers educational  support  services  and  grants  to  students  who  have  historically experienced economic, social, or language disadvantages. 

Often these are individuals who are within the first-generation of their families to attend college.  The Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) Program, a component of EOPS, is designed to focus on the unique needs of single-parent students who receive CalWorks Cash Assistance/TANF funds.

The intent, purpose, and resources of EOPS & CARE are focused on supporting the retention and persistence of program participants towards their academic and career goals.  

  • Educational support services include:
  • Academic, career, and personal counseling
  • Priority registration
  • Educational planning
  • Student progress monitoring
  • Tutorial assistance
  • Financial aid information
  • Meal Vouchers
  • Book service and school supplies
  • Transportation service
  • Transfer information and assistance
  • Motivational workshops
  • Cultural and other special activities
Financial Aid
The Financial Aid office, located in SEC 118A, provides current and potential students with complete information on various student financial assistance options.   It coordinates and provides information about grants, waivers, part-time employment, scholarships and student loans available from federal, state and local agencies. 


Grants Offices 
The Grants office, located in SEC 350, supports the goals of the institution through the AANAPISI and the HSI-STEM grants. The Mission College HSI STEMLink Project represents a five-year, $5.4M U.S. Dept. of Education grant to strengthen the pipeline of Latinx and low-income students from area high school and to increase: Hispanic enrollment and completion, including STEM transfer and vocational degrees; STEM Counseling support services; STEM Hands on experiences and STEM-oriented activities; STEM Careers Mentoring; STEM Learning support services, like Supplemental Instruction (SI). Similarly, the goal of the U.S. Dept. of Education AANAPISI programs is to improve the transition, progression, graduation, and transfer rates of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) students at Mission College.  AANAPISI is also the main administrative support for the STEM Learning Center located in SCI 131.  The center serves as a social hub for students and offers free printing, computer use, textbook borrowing, academic support, and support from STEM peer navigators.  The STEM Learning Center is open to all students of all majors.  Faculty are also welcome to host their office hours in the center.
Honors Program

The Honors Program, located on the second floor of the Campus Center, provides highly motivated students the opportunity to work closely with instructors and other motivated students in advanced levels of critical thinking, analysis, research, writing, and communication.

Honors courses offer enriched educational experiences through challenging coursework, stimulating colloquia, and the opportunity to study with other students interested in the highest level of learning.

Most Honors courses meet IGETC and CSU GE-B transfer requirements and are taught by outstanding faculty, selected for their special interest in working with Honors students.

International Student Center

The International Student Center, located in SEC 111, has an intensive language program for students from countries outside of the US.

It prepares international students with the English language skills they will need to succeed at Mission College, West Valley College, or other colleges and universities. It is self-supporting from nonresident tuition collected from its students. 

Job Placement Center
The Job Placement Center provides a variety of services to assist students with the career exploration and decision-making process.  Utilizing the Job Placement Center services, students will gain an understanding of the occupational outlook, salary and qualifications of various professions.   The Job Placement Center is located in Room SEC 122.

Below is a brief overview of Library services for faculty. For more comprehensive information on how the Library can help you and your students, please go to the Library’s Faculty Services page. For additional information about the Library’s services, policies, and guidelines, go to the About the Library page

The Library’s web page can be accessed from any page on the Mission College website by clicking on Library in the menu bar at the top of the page.

The new library management system, OneSearch, provides a simple, single search for books, e-books, videos, articles, digital media, and more from Mission College Library eliminating the need to search different databases and library systems. Create an account to save lists of items, manage your renewals, and request items from West Valley College. For more information, read the About OneSearch guide.

Instructor Reserves are items placed on reserve by faculty for the students in their classes. You may place as many of your own materials as necessary on reserve. You may also request items from the Library's print or media collection to be placed on reserve for your students' use in the Library. You may place up to five books from the Library's collection on reserve per semester, for a maximum of one semester. Unless specifically requested otherwise, all reserve items are removed and returned to the faculty or Library collection at the end of each school year.

If you wish to place an item on reserve, please print out and attach one Reserve Request form for each item (available on the Library’s Faculty Services page). Please allow at least 48 hours for processing new reserves.

In addition to instructor reserves, the Library purchases many, but not all, required textbooks for the Textbook Reserve Collection. Textbook reserves are for use in the Library only, and may not be taken home. If you would like to request your textbook for inclusion in the Textbook Reserve Collection you will need to fill out the Textbook Request Form, available on the Library’s Faculty Services page.

Food for Textbook Program
The Library has a collection of textbooks and calculators available for semester long check out with the donation of 10 cans of food which is donated to the Second Harvest Food Bank. If you would like to request your textbook for inclusion in the Food for Textbook Collection you will need to fill out the Textbook Request Form, available on the Library’s Faculty Services page.

Library Orientations
You can help your students go beyond Google by scheduling a Library orientation for your course. In just one hour or less, a librarian can provide an orientation that is custom-tailored to the needs of your students. Library orientations increase students’ ability to find research materials for their assignments and help them make the best use of the many print and electronic resources available to them.  Demonstration of Library resources can be held in the classroom or in the Library classroom.  Faculty may also schedule a computer lab and request a Librarian to host a hands-on workshop for students.

Orientations should be scheduled at least one week in advance. Fill out the online orientation request form on the Library’s Orientations Webpage (which is available on the Faculty Services Webpage). If your students will be working on a specific assignment, please include the assignment information with the request.

Assignment Assistance
Librarians provides research assistance to students. A librarian is at the Information Desk during all open hours. Please encourage your students to ask for help!

The Library also provides academic support services for faculty in all programs. Stop by the Library or make an appointment for a personal orientation to our services and resources. Reviewing course needs with the librarians will ensure that we have all the materials students need to successfully complete your course. Librarians also work with faculty to identify material to support their classes and professional development.  Material may be from the Library print or e-resource collection or needed to be purchased.

For assistance please contact the librarian specializing in the appropriate subject matter. The librarians specializations are listed next to their name on the Library’s Staff page in the About the Library section of the website.

Streaming Films & eBooks
The Library collection includes streaming films & e-books which can be read and watched online. They may be accessed through the Library Catalog or the Research Databases page under the heading “Films & eBooks.”  Links to streaming films can be embedded into a Canvas course.

Research Databases
The Library subscribes to a variety of online research databases to support the curriculum. There is a wealth of online resources for students to search through.  This is another reason to schedule a Library Orientation. During an orientation session the Librarian can highlight specific databases that best provide information to meet the needs of a particular assignment.

Research Portal
The Library’s Research Portal is the easiest way to access research assistance, subject guides, and useful resources both on- and off-campus. The Portal includes resources specifically chosen to support Mission College programs and course assignments.

Lost, Damaged or Stolen Materials
Faculty are responsible for any materials checked out to them, whether from our Library or another institution. Faculty are also responsible for payment of any overdue interlibrary loan charges and, if the material is lost or damaged, the replacement or repair cost.  For each item overdue, lost or damaged, the faculty member will be notified of the amount due through email.

Copyright Compliance
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. The Library does not accept for its collection any reproduced material from a copyrighted original without proof of copyright clearance.  Faculty members wishing to place such materials in the Library for use by students are responsible for securing written permission from the copyright holder and depositing a copy of the permission with the Library.

For additional information or to make comments or suggestions, contact Valerie Jensen, Dean of Instructional Support [email protected] or 408-855-5464.  

Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) 

The Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) Community College Program, part of the MESA Undergraduate Program, provides support to community college students who are majoring in math, science, and engineering so they excel academically and transfer to four- year institutions. MESA is located in SEC 152.  

MESA CCP is a partnership with the California Community College Chancellor's Office.

Historically, the MESA program has resulted in outstanding results, providing a diverse pool of transfer-ready students who are prepared to excel in math, engineering, and science majors. MESA CCP's rigorous academics, leadership preparation, and collaborative problem-solving training have helped produce transfer students who graduate as part of the high-tech workforce that is so urgently needed by industry. 

The main components of the Mission College MESA Program include:

  • Study Center
  • Tutorial Center which encompasses individual and group tutoring services in the following disciplines: Math, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering and English
  • Academic Excellence Workshops
  • Campus and Industry Tours
  • Leadership Retreats
  • Assistance in the transfer process
  • Career advising
  • Links with student and professional organizations
  • Professional development workshops 

In addition to the activities mentioned above, the Mission College MESA program has a number of benefits to students who qualify including:  priority registration, internships, MESA program positions, scholarship assistance, and on-going support throughout their college career. 

The Outreach team, located in SEC 120, partners with the Welcome Center, Student Ambassadors, and campus partners to frequently showcase all that Mission College has to offer at high schools, college fairs, and community events where department faculty are given opportunities to showcase their programs.
Placement and Assessment Center
The Placement and Assessment Center, located in SEC 109, assists students with Math and English course placement.  Additional services include clearing course requisites, evaluating transfer credits and helping students meet the reading and information literacy graduation competencies.   
Puente Project
The Puente Project, located in CC 217, is a national award-winning program that for over 30 years has improved the college-going rate of tens of thousands of California's educationally underrepresented students. The Puente Project is a transfer-prep learning community that is open to students of all backgrounds. Puente students learn more about Latinx culture and issues, and receive a personal one-on-one mentor, priority registration and help with transferring to a four-year college.


STEM Learning Center

The STEM Learning Center, located in SCI 131, provides services for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) students at Mission College.  Services include:

  • Tutoring services for the following disciplines: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering and Math
  • Office hours for some faculty members
  • Independent and group study spaces with whiteboards
  • Use of STEM reference materials (textbooks, model kits, anatomical models, etc.)
  • Computer use with science related programs (including Chem Draw and MATLAB) 

For more information, contact the STEM Center at (408) 855-5536. 

Student Health Services

Student Health Services, located in SEC 104, is a multi-dimensional program consisting of clinical services, health education and promotion, and web-based services.    

Clinical services include, but not limited to, first-aid, urgent care for illnesses, health screening, laboratory testing, health counseling, personal counseling, and referrals to community health resources.  Clinical services are provided by the college physician, registered nurses, and personal crisis counselors. 

Health education and promotion activities include special presentations and a campus-wide health fair each year.   Web-based services include “Student Health 101,” an e-health magazine which features a new issue each month.  

In addition, the Student Health Services support special events that benefit the wider community such as the American Red Cross Blood Donor Program. The Student Health Services also supports an accident plan for student on-campus injuries.  

However, this plan is secondary to the student’s primary health insurance.    All on-campus accidents or medical incidents should be reported to Student Health Services within 24 business hours.  

The Student Health Services is supported by the student health fee which is charged at time of registration.  Some limited health services are provided to employees, such as the flu vaccine and tuberculosis skin test, but a nominal fee will be charged.

Transfer Center
The Transfer Center, located in SEC 139, provides a variety of services to assist students interested in transferring to four-year colleges and universities.  Services to students include: 
  • Transfer advising
  • A library of college catalogs and brochures
  • A library of major and college search reference guides
  • Transfer Admissions Guarantee (TAG) advising
  • Transfer-related workshops on topics such as completing admission applications, completing TAG applications, exploring transfer options and what to do after being admitted to a four-year school.
  • Appointments with visiting university representatives
  • Transfer Day event each fall semester
  • WACAC College Fair host site each spring semester
  • Scholarship search software
The TRIO program, located in SEC 146, is a federally funded Student Support Services program focused on increasing the retention, graduation, and transfer rates for low-income, first-generation in college, and students with disabilities by providing educational resources and support to advance their educational goals. 

TRIO program participants will have a variety of services available to them that include: 

  • Use of the program Study Center (including computers, internet access, free printing)
  • Personal and academic counseling
  • Major and career exploration
  • Priority registration
  • Individualized tutoring
  • University and company tours
  • Scholarship searches and assistance with applications
  • Transfer and goal development activities and workshops
  • Assistance with transfer applications, transcripts, and financial aid forms 

The TRIO Program is specifically tailored for students who are motivated toward graduation and transfer. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis (pending space availability).

Valor Veterans Center

The Valor Veterans Center, located in CC 240, serves all military veterans and their qualifying dependents, who are students at Mission College. Students of the program have access to a full-time staff, a technology that includes but not limited to full self-service computer labs and counseling services that will ensure their continued success and retention in their program of study until completion.

Welcome Center

The Welcome Center, located in SEC 105, provides new and continuing students assistance with applying to the college, registering for classes, and applying for financial aid.  The Welcome Center also provides students with campus tours, is available to answer questions, and connects students with student services.