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Community Education
Community Education

The Community Education office staff is located in SEC 332 and can be reached at 408-855-5255 or 408-855-5112. Community Education provides classes and special events in the following areas:

Community Service Classes - These are fee-based classes as advertised via brochure mailing, online, and direct marketing flyers. Offerings range from vocational training programs (e.g., Pharmacy Technician) to mandated classes (e.g., Drug Diversion, Anger Management), to personal and professional enrichment classes (e.g., Financial Planning).

Grant Funded Programs   - These are state-supported programs that provide life skills education to the students with a disability in our community.

Participants may register on a first come, first served basis by mail, fax, online or in person. Discounts are available for District employees and senior citizens.   Late registration at the start of class is permissible if space is available.

For those wishing to propose or teach a fee-based community service or noncredit class, please contact the Community Education Office or request a course proposal form.

Faculty participation in classes is also encouraged.  The class fee usually charged to students will be waived in return for completing an evaluation of a class.  The waiver will not apply when there are contractual obligations to vendors, e.g. participants must pay for any supplies, transportation cost, entry fees, or any costs beyond payment of the instructor.

Custodial Services
Custodial Services (anchor here)

Any maintenance or repair services should be reported to your Division Administrative Specialist or Dean for entry into the District Facilities work order system.  For emergencies, whether in the daytime or evening hours, call 9-911.    For non-emergencies in the evening hours, feel free to contact MC Evening Supervisor line at (408-590-2657).  If you wish to move furniture/equipment, an online work order to District Facilities should be completed by the Division Administrative Specialist or Dean.    

Educational Technology Services (ETS)

Educational Technology Services (ETS)

The Educational Technology Services (ETS) Department at Mission College focuses primarily on installing, maintaining, and supporting:

  • All teaching and media production and delivery technology
  • Technology in college classrooms, labs, conference rooms, signage displays, student support services facilities, studios, and event venues.

ETS is also the legal licensing administrator for all instructional software on campus. All requests for usage of software must be coordinated with ETS for consistency in deployment and integration, and legal compliance. ETS consultation will provide recommendations based on best practices, optimal selection, and alignment with the Mission Technology Master Plan.

Service Hours:

8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday – Friday

At this time, ETS do not offer after hours or on-call assistance. Because of the number of rooms and activities supported, ETS cannot always respond immediately when there is a problem. Rest assured, ETS does come as quickly as they can during their normal hours. Please refer to the section below on how to contact ETS when you need help.

Contacting ETS for Help:

ETS has provided User Guides Links on every Instructor PC desktop in every classroom with a Support Contact Information Card attached to the lectern desktop.

Urgent Service Requests:  Use the ETS help ticket system

ETS staff receive new ticket alerts when you submit a Help Ticket. This is the fastest way to alert staff and if available, a technician will respond promptly. Phone calls or trying to find a staff member in their offices in the TAV building are less effective ways to get help if the problem you are encountering needs immediate attention.

Connecting Your Personal Equipment to the College Classroom Technology:

ETS has provided VGA, HDMI, and (in the SEC Building) Mini Display Port cables for your convenience in every classroom if you want to connect your own personal portable devices.  PLEASE NOTE:  ETS cannot be responsible for problems you encounter regarding compatibility, settings, or the condition of any personal devices you choose to connect. They cannot guarantee that your personal device will display or function properly when connected in one of our classrooms. ETS is happy to assist with checking the functionality of the cables used to connect personal devices to classroom technology. However, ETS is unable to assist with troubleshooting and/or modifying the settings on your personal device. You should always carry backup presentation materials on portable storage for use on the provided lectern computer

Other Services:

DATA STORAGE ON CLASSROOM COMPUTERS:  All classroom computers have been set up so that upon reboot all data (but not programs) are wiped clean.  There is an automatic shutdown at 10:30 PM scheduled daily. This process is in place to protect and manage data entered by students, faculty, and other users.

CLASSROOM LECTURE CAPTURE:  Lecture Capture hardware in GC-103 and GC-107 presentation halls as well as three GC classrooms provide instructors with straightforward technological support to capture and record lectures. Portable cart systems are also available for Lecture Capture in other classrooms. The system provides the ability to stream between lecture halls for large event overflow. The Lecture Capture system records one or two simultaneous sources (computer screen/doc cam/video camera) plus audio. Finished recordings are auto posted to a content server. Videos are accessible via direct link or through a library listing of recordings. For class use videos, the system will add captioning. Grants are available through DSPS for class use recordings captioning.

EVENT SUPPORT:  Depending on the venue, setup for special events may require sound systems and other AV equipment. If your event can be handled with checkout equipment, you will need to pick up and return the equipment to ETS.  ETS will show you how to setup and operate the equipment.  Some events will require their setup of the system. Make arrangements early via ETS work order. 

MEDIA PRODUCTION:  ETS provides media production assistance for instruction and production for College marketing and archival needs. Most class related media are created either by lecture capture or desktop media creation software such as Camtasia, Captivate, or freeware programs such as ScreenCast-o-Matic. ETS can assist with studio video projects such as student interviews or other instructor led class projects. ETS has equipment to loan for self-produced projects. ETS cannot supply equipment for student project assignments.

EQUIPMENT LOAN:  ETS has a variety of gear available for short-term checkout:

  • Dell PC laptops
  • Mac Laptops
  • Microsoft LifeCam Webcams
  • Portable Projectors
  • Panasonic Camcorders/Camera Tripods

ETS also keeps a small collection of VGA and HDMI adapters for some Mac laptop models. Remember to remind guest speakers to bring adapters if they intend to present with a personal laptop.  Equipment may be checked out directly from ETS during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.  Previous arrangements need to be made to ensure that the equipment is ready for pick-up.  Please reserve equipment at least 24 hours in advance to insure its availability. An ETS W.O. is the most reliable way to request checkout equipment. Return all equipment to AV Services as arranged.

ETS EVOLVING TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT:  One of our important functions involves researching education/student-related technological developments and includes planning, purchasing, installing, and deploying new technology at our campus. ETS works on new technology for future buildings, refreshing existing technology, upgrading various pieces of equipment as they become old and/or obsolete, and working with departments to standardize and help them realize their technology requests.

All instructional technology requests of hardware, equipment, software, upgrades, operational improvements, and suggestions for additions to classrooms must begin in the Technology Request process associated with Program Review. When the college proceeds with projects without involving ETS for a thorough consultation, inefficiencies, conflicts, missed deadlines (critical for grant funding), and overlooked better alternatives are often experienced.

ETS strongly urges all Departments to consult with them early in the process of a technology initiative, regardless of funding sources. They can provide guidance and coordination with other initiatives already underway and can help you avoid conflicts in the context of project management capacity on campus and compatibility with existing facilities systems. Refer to the GAP and Technology Committee-approved Technology Request Process for a better understanding of the work flow. You will find it on the Technology Committee’s web page:

ETS requires a minimum two-week lead-time for any Teacher station and/or student lab, computer software install/upgrade. They request even longer lead times for new software titles, due to additional compliance requirements approval. The lead-time for Hardware depends on the complexity of the project and can run anywhere from 1-6 months.

Please review the ETS Services Classroom/Lab Use Policies 
Please review the ETS Media & Support Policies

Facilities Work Orders  
Facilities Work Orders

For any maintenance or repair services, submit a work order into the District Facilities work order system.  To submit a work order, log into MyWebServices, click on Employee, click on Links, and click on Facilities Work Order.  For more information on how to submit and check the status of your work order, download the Facilities Work Orders Help guide.

Food Services

Food Services 

The Cafeteria
The Cafeteria is located on the first floor of the Student Center, and is open during the Fall and Spring terms Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.  It is also open Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Hours vary during the Winter and Summer Terms.  Notification of updated hours is emailed to all faculty at the beginning of the term. 

KJ’s Café
KJ’s Café is located in two buildings:  Gillmor Center and the Student Engagement Center (SEC).  Gillmor Center hours during the Fall and Spring terms are Mondays-Thursdays 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  SEC hours are Mondays-Thursdays 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Fridays 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., and Saturdays 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.  Hours vary during the Winter and Summer Terms.  Notification of updated hours is emailed to all faculty at the beginning of the term. 

The Mission Bistro
Mission Bistro is located in the Hospitality Management Building.  Staff and faculty can support Mission’s Hospitality Management Program by stopping in for a delicious lunch, which is cafeteria-style during fall semesters and full-service restaurant-style during spring semesters. Each lunch is planned and prepared by students and is typically served on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.  The price for a full lunch ranges from $10-$15 with all proceeds going directly to program operations.  Keeps an eye out for emails announcing the weekly menus!  For more information, contact Daniel Arias ([email protected] or 408-855-5434).

Graphics/Printing Requests
Graphics/Printing Requests

Division Administrative Specialists can help faculty with any graphics/printing requests (e.g. business cards).  As budget administrator the Division Dean must approve these requests, and a nominal fee is charged to your department for these services.


Publications are produced in Office of Instruction, located in SEC 331.  The staff produces informational publications such as the: