link Working Adult Home

Adult students are seated in desks looking forward toward their instructor (off camera.) The student at the center of the image is a twenty-something woman of LatinX descent with long straight bleached hair. A young man slouches in his desk behind her. He wears a hoodie and baseball hat.

Welcome Working Adults

We have students just like you. Students who:

  • Work part-time.
  • Take care of familes. 
  • Started and then stopped college
  • Have never been to college.
  • Are single parents or grandparents.
  • Are looking for a new career path and already have a degree.
  • Are Looking to get retrained or advance skills.

You might also look at classes for the Working Professional to upskill your career.

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Benefits of Going to Mission College

  • Affordable Education ($46 per unit)
  • Less (or no) Debt
  • Better Paying Jobs Upon Graduation
  • Plenty of Parking
  • Classes on your schedule (online, evening, in-person)
  • Older students just like you!
Students with Children

Did you know our CalWORKs program is specifically for students with children and provides financial assistance and other support.

Our Child Development Center welcomes children six weeks to kindergarten and welcomes full-time Mission College students to inquire about the program.

Free Services

Find out more at and

Transitioning Back to College

Let our Adult Education department or Counseling Department help you transition back to taking classes. Whether it has been 6 months or 6 years!

Paying for College

We have a number of student services available to help you pay for college, they not only include our Financial Aid Office and Scholarships, but programs such as:

Navigating Campus

Jacqueline is a Working Mom in College

Watch the story of Jaqueline and her daughter, Sabrina, both Mission College students. Jacqueline was a working mom who raised four kids and is completing her degree. 

Kim Pagarillo's Success Story

Kinesiology student Kim Pagarillo's long journey through academia ended up teaching her to take responsibility for herself.

Non-Traditional Transfer student Daniel Waters

Daniel Waters transferred to San Jose State, coming back to school (and community college) after working. As a non-traditional student he credits Mission's Communication instructors in helping him succeed.